New owner for hertbeat fm

Hertfordshire’s Hertbeat fm has been bought by the owners of radio production company Murf Media.

The new company, Shadow Radio Holdings have bought the station which had been looking for buyers since the beginning of the year. They are also looking to extend coverage to the north to cover towns such as Hitchin and Letchworth.

Hertbeat FM was launched in 2001 and broadcasts to the mid-Hertfordshire region, just north of London. Currently the radio station reaches a potential audience of 180,000 listeners – which will soon expand to upwards of 250,000 with the commencement of transmissions to a new TSA (Total Survey Area) encompassing the towns of Hitchin and Letchworth.

The purchase comes at the same time as Hertbeat FM is enjoying it’s highest monthly sales figures ever.

Brett Harley, the new Managing Director of Hertbeat FM told “We see huge potential for Hertbeat FM which in the past has not always been realized. We intend to make the most of the fact that Hertfordshire people are proud of their community and want their own local station carrying local news – not another London station”

Hertbeat FM broadcasts on 106.7 and 106.9 FM in the mid-Herts area and around the world on

Hertbeat FM is one of only a handful of independent radio stations remaining in the UK not owned by a group.

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