Community radio station members record Christmas single

Members of Northamptonshire’s business community have recorded a Christmas charity single recorded at the University of Northampton’s NLive radio studios.

The cast of singers, which included colleagues from the University, sang Band Aid’s 1984 song Do They Know It’s Christmas? in a bid to raise funds for KidsAid.

The Northampton-based charity provides therapeutic support for children and young people affected by traumatic events such as family breakdown, bereavement, domestic violence, abuse and neglect.

Amongst the singers were University Vice Chancellor, Nick Petford, Lecturer and NLive presenter, Adrian Pryce, and Charlotte Patrick, Key Sector and Knowledge Transfer Manager.

NLive Station Manager, Martin Steers, said: “It’s a great pleasure for NLive to be involved and play host to the singers and project, it's fantastic to help raise money for such a great cause.”

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Posted on Wednesday, December 11th, 2019 at 8:36 pm by Lee Price

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