Macquarie not welcome in Exeter

Macquarie, the Australian bank who are applying for radio licences around the UK are once again under the spotlight. This time because they have submitted an application to Ofcom to run a local radio station in Exeter – having just won a licence to operate a station in Plymouth.

As soon as Macquarie won the licence in Plymouth, the failed bidders launched an attack and subsequently a government enquiry into how a company with little connection to the area could win a licence, especially when three out of the four other bidders had local roots.

But in Exeter it goes deeper, as Macquarie are also trying to buy Exeter Airport – something Charles Howeson, chairman of Plymouth Chamber of Commerce is not happy about: “I’m heartily fed up with Macquarie trying to buy up everything, including our local airports and radio stations. I hope Exeter will do their best to send Macquarie and all their apparatus back to where they came from.” he told the Western Morning News.

Macquarie are applying for the licences as Radio UK Holdings Limited – a wholly-owned subsidiary, and are headed by former Emap boss Tim Schoonmaker.

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