RCS playout for School Radio

A new radio station for staff and students at Littlehampton Community School in West Sussex has launched this week. Revamp Radio will use a playout system from RCS, as used by major radio groups around the world.

RCS Managing Director Ben Hart says: “Training on our products will give students a distinct advantage should they wish to pursue a radio career.

This is the first time their products have been used at a state secondary education school and will allow the students to programme their music in the same way as radio stations across the UK.

The team at TailorMade Radio are working with the first group of radio programmers from year 10. The students have learnt to to load songs onto the play-out system, drive the desk, editing skills and creative production with news reading and sports news training culminating in a planned launch of the station going live for the first time to an invited VIP audience.

TailorMade Radio is run by David Cunningham. David has worked in radio operations management at both national and local level for 15 years, he says "When were approached by Littlehampton Community School my advice was to provide the kind of studio facilities a radio broadcaster would encounter in real radio environment. Thankfully, we’ve been able to do within the budget the students were awarded. "

The radio station will be ‘broadcast’ via IP using the schools intranet and will compliment their established scrolling news monitors already placed at sites around the campus.

Specialist School for Business and Enterprise, Littlehampton Community School has funded the project with £5000 won by students who are the current Yell Mark your Mark National Enterprise Champions

The funding was scooped by a group of year ten students after judges chose their ‘bottled sea water’ souvenir idea to promote the town. The money, earmarked for further enterprising activities within the school was designated to build a radio studio by the students in the winning team.

Enterprise Project Leader James Collett, says having our own studios is an opportunity for students to see the vocational benefits of learning — “ They are seeing the practical elements They also learn to work with people who are not education professionals but professionals in their field and learn their different focus on learning and work. “

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