GCap Media goes up and down

Figures. Make them whatever you want to be. Capital 95.8’s results can be viewed in many ways, depending on who you are and who you work for. The station’s reach is up 10.9% quarter-on-quarter, but down 5.6% over the year. And while Choice is down 18.3% on the quarter, XFM are up 31.5% in the same period.

Capital’s share dropped by 0.9% to 4.6% year-on-year, but only .1% on the quarter. And while Johnny Vaughan has beaten Heart to become London’s biggest commercial breakfast show, the station has a whole is in third place, behind Heart and Magic.

When press releases include claims such as “Capital 95.8 attracts 25% more listeners in its target 15-44 demographic”, you know you’ll need to look beyond the figures.

But what about the group as a whole? XFM has a higher reach than ever, but that’s because it’s got more stations than ever (and another on the way soon in South Wales). Classic FM now has 6 million listeners, and the One network has improved it’s reach across the country.

But one figure that is a success not only for GCap but for the whole industry, is digital-only station Planet Rock. It now boasts 498,000 listeners a week, and average hours of 4.9… that’s more listeners than any non-London GCap station. A pleasing result for fans of new broadcast platforms, including the group that invested so heavily in DAB in the first place — you guessed it — GCap.

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