Twix sponsors Virgin’s Suggs

Virgin Radio's Afternoon Tea with Suggs has a new addition – a Twix bar. The international brand has agreed to sponsor the show hosted by Madness front-man Suggs. The sponsorship includes trails, embedded live editorial spotlights and an integrated online presence.

Twix will also sponsor the daily feature, The Great British Workplace Of The Day where afternoon tea goody bags which include the exclusive, much sought after 'Suggs Mugs', can be won to give listening workers a better tea break.

“It’s fantastic to see brands like Twix working with commercial radio for sponsorship deals,” said Nick Hewat, Sales Director at Virgin Radio. “Our success in growing revenues from sponsorship, promotions and spot advertising is driven by creating the ideal environment for brands to communicate with millions of people every week.”

The sponsorship starts on 24th September, running for three months.

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