Radio 2 raises over 2 million

National BBC Radio 2 has done its bit for Children in Need by raising two and a half million pounds. A quarter of a million came from just one bid during an auction on Sir Terry Wogan's breakfast show for a concert performed by Katie Melua and Aled Jones.

Chris Evans' Drivetime auction and a Music Marathon were also part of the network's week-long round of fundraising activities. The station's grand total also includes £1,021,143 from the sales of the Janet & John Reloaded CD, produced by Terry's listeners The TOGS.

Sir Terry says of Things That Money Can't Buy auction: "Every year we think the British public can't be more generous than they were last year. The total last year was in excess of half a million pounds and this year's total is £894,000.

"It is a privilege to be part of this — and humbling too."

The auction received its biggest-ever phone pledge when Martin Ainscough from Wigan bid £250,000 for a performance by Katie Melua and Aled Jones.

Chris Evans held an auction during his Radio 2 Drivetime show, raising £231,019.

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