Exmouth RSL in college link

Students at Exmouth College in their third year of the OCR Nationals in Media joined forces with community radio group Bay FM during its recent RSL broadcast in the town.

John Panton, head of key stage media at the Exmouth Community College, said, “The post-16 students on Level 3 have done some really good projects which have given them an insight into the work world. For the Music Radio Production unit, in May this year they put together programmes for Exmouth radio station, Bay FM. They were commissioned to provide content for two two-hour programmes to be broadcast on Sunday Mornings."
"The students enjoyed selecting music to represent the varied taste of our 2,800+ strong college. As well as music, the content included interviews with students at the school, like the strong sports people who are hoping to compete in the 2012 Olympics and also covered issues such as cyber-bullying affecting our school community. Deciding which music to choose and who to interview was really motivating.”
The College will be working again with Bay FM in May 2009. Station Manager Andy Green said, "The programmes the college produced for Bay FM were of a very high standard and the feedback we received from listeners was very positive, we are all looking forward to working with them again next year. In 2009 we are running a new work-experience programme; students will have the opportunity to work with our local news team, offering them interviewing skills as well as sourcing local news."

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