Capital steals Bauer's Rich

Richard Clarke, one half of Bauer's Rich and Luce on the Big City network, is joining Capital FM to host the daily late show from January 2009.

Rich is set to leave Bauer before the end of the year, and more recently he presented Hit40UK as holiday cover.
Richard said “Joining 95.8 Capital FM is an absolute dream come true for me. I can’t wait to get started and make the show my own.”
Paul Jackson, Group Programme Director, 95.8 Capital FM, The Hit Music Network & The XFM Network said “Richard is fresh, exciting and well on the way to being a world class broadcaster. In a competitive market we need to be constantly innovating and evolving to excite and engage Londoners while maintaining the best talent in radio on 95.8 Capital FM. We are thrilled to have Richard as part of the team.”

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