Tindle stations go Caribbean

Seven Tindle Radio stations are once again broadcasting live next week from a Sandals holiday resort in the Caribbean, as part of a holiday giveaway competition.

The stations include Dream 100 North Essex, Town 102 Ipswich, 99.9 Radio Norwich, The Beach, North Norfolk Radio, Kestrel FM in Basingstoke and Island FM in Guernsey. Following a week of programmes live from the island, each of the stations will give-away an all inclusive holiday to the Sandals Grande Antigua Resort and Spa for one lucky winner and partner.
David Rees, Group Programme Director says: "This year we’ve worked even closer with the management at Sandals, and therefore we will be running the promotion ‘Holiday for a Song’ in January 2009 on our five Anglia sites in response to our competitors re-brand.”

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