Green radio station Passion for the Planet is to give away free advertising to six nominated charities, in celebration of reaching its sixth birthday this week.
The [i]MS Trust campaign[/i] will launch on air on the digital station from 12th January 2009.
Guests at the birthday celebrations were asked to nominate a charity to receive the free radio advertising campaign and the winning charities were:
The MS Trust
Cancer Research UK
The Westminster Society
PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools)
“What a great way to start 2009 – radio advertising is so powerful and it gives us the opportunity for us to reach more people and tell them about the services offered by the MS Trust. Its great to be able to publicise our work without having to raise additional funds to do so.” said Jo Sopala, Director of Fundraising and Marketing.
“We decided from the very beginning of Passion for the Planet that we’d like to be able to support charities by giving them promotion on air. In many ways this can be more valuable than any cash donation we could make. On air advertising helps raise their profile and raise funds at the same time.” Explained Passion for the Planet’s managing Director Chantal Cooke.
Passion for the Planet reaches over 90,000 people per week and broadcasts on DAB radio in London and the across the south and nationwide via the Internet at
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