Majority against Durham FM move

The majority of responses to a consultation regarding Durham FM's proposed move to Sunderland are against the idea, but Ofcom is waiting till later in the year to make a decision.

Ofcom is deferring the decision to see what the forthcoming Digital Britain report and/or possible subsequent consultations make of the matter.
The regulator is taking the view that it would be inappropriate to make decisions on what might constitute exceptional circumstances in co-location requests (eg requests to move stations with an MCA over 250,000) until it was clear "[i]how the landscape might develop[/i]".
Durham FM's owner The Local Radio Company requested the Format change in December [link=]last year[/link], when Ofcom decided to commission a five-week public consultation to gather opinion.
Out of the 21 responses, 13 opposed and eight were broadly in favour (some expressing agreement only if it meant improved resources and more local programming).

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