SunTalk and BFBS take to the air

Two new stations launched in the UK today, SunTalk online and BFBS on digital radio. Jon Gaunt helming the former with an exclusive interview with Tory leader David Cameron.

While SunTalk has launched itself at the market with some abandon, it’s still only a three hour daily show that’s available to listen to on The Sun newspaper’s website. It’ll feature Sun regulars including Ally Ross and Ian McGarry as well as contributions from the Bizarre column and Dear Deidre.
The British Forces Broadcasting Service’s station is currently heard in more than twenty countries, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Germany, Cyprus and the Falklands. BFBS Radio has its own independent news service and specialises in on-air messages and requests between the British Forces and their families.
“We’re a unique station that serves a unique audience,” said the station’s Controller, Charles Foster. “We believe the time is right for us to launch in the UK, where the vast majority of British Forces are now based, and where public support for the work of the Forces is high on the agenda. Our launch on DAB digital radio means we can now complete the connection at home.”

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