Former UKRD Director dies

UKRD National Sales Director Rob van Pooss passed away in the early hours of this morning at his Essex home. He had been battling cancer for some months.

UKRD’s Chief Executive, William Rogers described Pooss’ passing as “a real loss”.
Van Pooss’s career straddled television and radio; throughout nearly 40 years in the industry he held every role from sales executive to Managing Director. More latterly he was National Sales Director for UKRD.
Rogers said: “RvP was well read, articulate, witty and creative, he was able to grasp the most complex of issues and then convert them into simple and easily communicated messages.
“There are many of us who would have to have lived two or three times to achieve everything he did. Our thoughts are with Maggie, Toby and Nick and the rest of the family van Pooss.”

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