Brown visits the Red Dragon

Prime Minister Gordon Brown answered questions from Red Dragon FM listeners whilst visiting Cardiff on Thursday.

Mr Brown was visiting the city as part of a regional tour which saw the full cabinet meeting in Wales for the first time.
The Prime Minister spent over an hour with Red Dragon FM listeners talking about issues including employment, education and their concerns over Welsh soldiers on the front line.
The event was held at The Millennium Stadium in the Welsh Capital where Mr Brown took questions from over fifty listeners who had contacted the radio station with their views.
Red Dragon FM Programme Controller, Colin Paterson said “We are delighted that the Prime Minister chose Red Dragon FM to host this special question and answer session. The event was completely unscripted and gave people in south Wales a chance to genuinely have their say”.
The Prime Minister also visited BBC Cymru Wales Broadcasting House in Llandaff. He visited to be interviewed by Jamie Owen and Louise Elliott on BBC Radio Wales on Thursday morning, which is available to listen again online at
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With thanks to Nick Treharne at BBC Cymru Wales for the BBC photo.

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