Tony gets Horney with a book

Metro Radio breakfast presenter Tony Horne has released his first book, titled Hornes Down Under part one, a true story.

Tony, who is also a columnist for the Evening Chronicle in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, says the new book is not a guide, but a real life story of a family trying to re-introduce themselves to each other after many stressful years, following a route along the coast of Australia from Darwin to Adelaide.
In Tony's words, his new book is a true story of a burnt out family, bitten by the credit crunch, bogged down by nanny state legislation, collapsing under the burden that your life is flying by with your kids growing up fast, together with the aching realisation that your career has positively stalled, whilst knowing that you only have the duration of the British school holidays to play with.
ony Horne quotes "this is not a guide book. No way! We had one of those on our lap every day and we just looked at each other and shouted FRAUD! No, that's not what we are about. This is my travel story of a family trying to re-introduce themselves to each other after many stressful years, following a route along the coast of Australia from Darwin to Adelaide. Oh, and by the way, my wife Nat is writing the same account, but from her point of view. What could possibly go wrong?".

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