Tim Shaw leaving Absolute Radio

Absolute Radio weekend presenter Tim Shaw is leaving the station to prepare for the biggest challenge of his life.
Details of his departure were posted on the station's blog, which also says Tim's new challenge will involve the radio station somehow.

Tim joined the national station a year ago when it launched, shortly after being [link=https://radiotoday.co.uk/news.php?extend.3376]dismissed[/link] by his previous employer Kerrang! Radio following an investigation into a competition at the station. He was replaced on breakfast by Simon James and Hill.
During his time at Absolute Radio he won a Bronze Sony Radio Academy Award in the Entertainment category.
(source: [link=http://onegoldensquare.com/2009/11/tim-shaw-by-paul-sylvester/]One Golden Square blog[/link] via [link=http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/nov/17/tim-shaw-leave-absolute-radio]Media Guardian[/link])

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