209radio continues.. for now

Cambridge community station 209radio, which announced it could close at the end of November if enough money wasn't secured, will continue for another three months.
The station has reached its target of £28,000 which will enable it to remain on-air.

A statement on the station's website simply says: "We've reached our target of £28,000 – Thanks to all of you generous people, we'll be on air for another 3 months! More info soon…"
Last week, Chairman of 209radio Clive Woodman [link=https://radiotoday.co.uk/news.php?extend.5410]said[/link]: "We have reached a point now whereby we need stable regular financial support to help with our core costs and continue to provide this incredible and unique service to the residents and community groups of Cambridge. We are calling for anyone who can help financially to come forward now!"

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