Global’s contraception slip-up

Global Radio has broken the Radio Advertising Standards Code by transmitting an advert at a time when the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre said it shouldn't.

The commercial, which was promoting different methods of contraception, was heard at 3:58pm.

A radio ad , featured two separate conversations. The first involved two women talking about the Pill and an IUS, and the second conversation featured a young couple talking about an implant. A voiceover at the end of the ad stated "Talk to a doctor or nurse to find the contraception that's right for you. Search online for worthtalkingabout. Contraception".

The ad was cleared by RACC with the advice that it should be scheduled away from times when children under 16 years of age were likely to be listening, for example breakfast and drivetime.

A listener, who had heard the ad during the school run, challenged whether the ad was suitable to be broadcast at times when children were likely to be listening.

Global Radio acknowledged that RACC guidance advised that the ad should be scheduled away from times when a significant number of children would be listening, such as breakfast and drivetime. They believed drivetime was widely considered to be between 4pm and 7pm and pointed out that the ad had been broadcast at 3.58pm; outside of the drivetime period.

They provided Radio Joint Audience Research (RAJAR) figures for the period when the ad was broadcast and acknowledged that, in this instance, there may have been a number of children listening between 3pm and 4pm. They said that, in light of this, the ad should have been excluded from airtime for an hour longer than it was; that that did not happen was an oversight on their part.

The complaint was upheld.

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