Holy Ramadan in Ofcom breach

Another Restricted Service Licence has failed to log its output, resulting in Ofcom finding the station in breach of its licence condition.

Radio Holy Ramadan, which broadcast during August and September 2009, couldn't provide a recording of programmes after two complaints

The complaints suggested Radio Holy Ramadan FM promoted products and services in programming on six occasions.

Ofcom requested a copy of the output three times, but no recordings were ever received. Most recently, the licensee’s representative told the regulator he was out of the country and he would contact them on his return to the UK. But Ofcom is still waiting.

It is a condition of all radio licences that the licensee adopts procedures for the retention of recordings and produces recordings to Ofcom forthwith on request. On this basis, Ofcom has found the station Breach of Licence Condition 8, Part 2 General (Retention and Production of recordings).

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