Good launch for Absolute 80s

Absolute 80s has started life with over a quarter of a million adult listeners, and 1.4 millon hours.

And RAJAR figures show the Absolute Radio Network gain its highest ever total hours since launch up 12.1 per cent quarter on quarter and 5.6 cent year on year.

Absolute Radio’s reach remains steady in total hours, and has dropped by 6.5 per cent quarter on quarter, which station bosses say remains within forecasts.

Clive Dickens, Chief Operating Officer, Absolute Radio: “Football is a huge new area of growth for us this summer with Baddiel and Skinner’s World Cup Podcasts and the exclusive broadcast rights to the Saturday 3pm Premier League games. Together with our continued focus on comedy and live music, this provides new, exciting and engaging content for our ‘reluctant adult’ audience.”

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