Reaction: Capital FM expansion

The decision to replace ten local and regional radio stations with Capital FM has received a mass of reaction around the radio industry.

Everyone will be watching Global Radio's latest move to find out how listeners outside of London react to a station called Capital FM.

On the RadioToday Facebook page, comments include: "London is the Capital, thats where everyone knows the station from and why it has the title. Rolling out across other areas of the uk is just bonkers."

"I love Capital! But that's where it should stay in the capital! Global get your act together!"

"Goodbye local radio.Soon your station will all come from Leicester Square,even though it's 200 miles away from London."

"Its another sad day for radio in the UK!"

"Obviously this is bad news for the stations that will be losing their original names and rebranding, but this could also be bad news and the end of Capital London as we know it!"

"It's terrible news for those losing their jobs, no question. But the listeners are getting increasingly slick, well funded radio stations that, personal taste aside, are very well executed. Heart's figures are very good, despite the 'experts' here predicting a swift collapse. Why would Capital UK do any worse?"

Read more comments here.

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