Pink Paper Award for Nicksy

Former Galaxy and Key 103 presenter Nicksy has beaten Scott Mills and Chris Evans to win Best Radio Show at the Pink Paper Awards 2011.

He took the prize for his afternoon show on Manchester community radio station Gaydio.

Radio 1's Scott Mills came second and Radio 2's Chris Evans third in the awards, voted for by readers of across the UK.

Nicksy told "Both Chris and Scott are incredible broadcasters, to be nominated alongside them was an honour, to win the category is amazing."

Gaydio is The UK’s first and only full-time FM radio station for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. Although, in reality the station has a much broader appeal and is attracting listeners who are disenfranchised with the more national brands available in Manchester. Nicksy added, “I present a Manchester show and if we pick up new listeners online that’s great but the programming and music are targeted at Manchester people."

The award was the result of a vote by readers of the Pink Paper, via the website. The voting has been open since before Christmas and thousands of votes have been cast.

Pink Paper Editor in Chief, Tris Reid-Smith says: "Every year the Pink Paper Readers' Awards go from strength to strength. This year has been more competitive than ever which will make victory all the sweeter for our winners."

Nicksy hosts 3-6pm Monday to Friday on Gaydio, as well as Late Night Nicksy on Sunday evenings, which is simulcast on neighbouring community station Cheshire FM.

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