Charity walkathon for Mercia

Another Orion station has announced details of a charity walk for this summer, following the success of BRMB’s Walkathon.

Mercia’s Walk of Warwickshire will be a 12-mile trek from Warwick to Coventry to raise money for a charity that helps local sick and disabled children.

The event takes place on Sunday 26 June, and will follow a 100-mile 7-day walk by Mercia presenter JD, who’ll be broadcasting live from around the patch during the route. The final leg of his walk will be the public event.

The charity, Snowball, will benefit from fundraising for the walk. Since the charity began in October 1985, it has put smiles on the faces of thousands of disabled and terminally-ill children in Coventry and Warwickshire, who were able to secure vital equipment thanks to their funds.

Paul Fairburn, Managing Director of Mercia told “The Snowball is an important part of the history of Mercia and we really hope that this event will bring it back to the forefront of fundraising in the area. We would love as many people, families, groups and businesses as possible to join us for this challenge on 26th June.”

Earlier this month, sister station Beacon announced details of its 10-mile Walk of the Black Country, while [link=]last year’s[/link] BRMB Walkathon raised more than £330,000 for wounded soldiers.

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