106.1 Rock Radio plans a double wedding

Manchester’s Rock Radio is to help its breakfast producer get married by asking listeners to be part of a double wedding.

Mike Sweeney’s producer Russ Collington will marry his fiancé Jo in front of Manchester Museum’s T. Rex, named Stan, on the 4th August, along with another couple.

Better know on-air as Dewsbury, the pair will be the first couple to wed at the venue since it was awarded a licence to conduct civil ceremonies earlier this year.

The station is asking people to register online and tell them, in 100 words, why they should be one of the finalists. Rock Radio will then pick their favourite 10 couples and tell their story on-air, online and on their Facebook page; launching two weeks of intensive voting for the couples.

106.1 Rock Radio Programme Controller, Moose said; “The Rock Radio Royal Wedding is huge because it is fun, original and really will be a day the couples will never forget. We will not be looking for competition winners when we’re judging, we’ll be looking for people who genuinely want to get married. So, come on people, convince us you want to get married in front of the oldest swinger in town. He’s 65 Million years old you know! No, not Sweeney; Stan!”

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