Radio 1 most popular among in-car pets

BBC Radio 1 is the most popular station among pet owners wanting to keep their cat or dog happy in the car – closely followed by Radio 2 and 5 Live.

That’s according to a survey by and The Dogs Trust who also found Adele, Madonna and Lady Gaga are the artists owners said are most likely to entertain their animal.

The fairly non-scientific poll is based on researchers asking 2,000 drivers about their experiences of taking their pet in the car. Other findings include 12% of dog owners saying they allow their animal to stick their head out of the window while moving, despite veterinary advice that it’s not safe.

Gareth Kloet, Head of Car Insurance at says: “Road trips should be as fun for our pets as they can be for us, and keeping our pets happy in the back is also going to reduce distraction for us as drivers, making our journeys safer for us and our animals.”

And yes, we know this isn’t strictly the kind of radio industry story we’d normally cover. But following John Myers’ recent blog post about pet-related promotions pulling in the listeners, we thought we’d get in on the action! Woof!

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