Radio 4 feature for 6 Music’s Tom Robinson

BBC 6 Music presenter Tom Robinson is to present a documentary exploring bisexuality which will be broadcast on Radio 4 next week.

Produced by independent production company Made in Manchester, the programme examines how singer-songwriter turned radio presenter Tom came to terms with being bisexual.

Producer Ashley Byrne told “For some reason bisexuality remains a bit of taboo in the media and society at large. We’ve been trying to cover the issue on both TV and radio for years. So it’s a real credit to Radio 4 that they’ve had the courage to commission this programme.”

He added: “It’s clear there’s a whole swathe of the population who don’t see their sexual identity in neat pre-defined boxes – and this 30 minute doc begins to challenge some of the basic assumptions many people
have about those who identify as bisexual.”

Tom has worked for 6 Music since 2002, and current hosts the ‘NowPlaying@6Music’ and ‘Introducing: Fresh on the Net’ programmes for the digital station. He’s also done work for all the other major BBC national radio networks as well as the World Service. Tom first became known in the 1970s as a musician and LGBT activist with the Top 20 hits ‘2-4-6-8 Motorway’ and ‘Glad To Be Gay’.

‘It’s My Story: Tom Robinson – Getting Bi’ will air on BBC Radio 4 at 8pm next Monday (19th September).

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Posted on Wednesday, September 14th, 2011 at 2:02 pm by RadioToday Staff

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