Photos: Partridge film premier in Norwich

The celebrity radio event of the year is taking place in Norwich and London today as the new Alan Partridge film Alpha Papa gets its première.

This afternoon, actor Steve Coogan attended the first showing in Norwich, complete with special guests and a red carpet. Norwich 999 presenter Geoff Hillyer snapped a photo of Steve making a speech, in which he said “This film is my love letter to Norwich”

Tonight, guests including Stephen Fry will be in Leicester Square to see the film, which is released on August 16th.

Local radio station North Norfolk Radio even re-branded itself as “Shape” in celebration of the film this morning, replicating what happens in the film.

North Norfolk Radio’s Programme Manager Graham Lewis says: “Having seen the plot of Alan’s movie we decided it would be great fun to let listeners know what Shape would be like if it were to take to the air.

“Alan Partridge has been linked to radio in the area for a long time so we thought the change of name would be a fun way of marking the film premiere.”


More photos from the event:




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