TeamRock Radio hires blues and roots boy

TeamRock Radio has hired well-known blues and roots figure Big Boy Bloater to hosts its Blues Magazine Show.

The programme airs each Saturday night 6pm till 8pm and this appointment gives Big Boy Bloater his first radio work.

The station says his first show will feature Jim Jones Revue Guitarist, Rupert Orton, talking about the band, his love of music and his alter-ego with ‘Not The Same Old Blues Crap’.

The show’s original host, former Nazareth guitarist Billy Rankin, is developing a new show which will be introduced to the station next month.

Moose, Head of Radio at TeamRock Radio told RadioToday: “It is great to attract someone of Bloater’s caliber to TeamRock Radio. I have no doubt that he will have our listeners mesmerized by his stories. This guy was meant to be on radio!”

Big Boy Bloater added: “I am absolutely thrilled to be joining TeamRock Radio. I’m looking forward to chatting to guests from all walks of the blues world – musicians, promoters, writers – all the people that make it happen, and of course I couldn’t be happier to promote the fantastic Blues Magazine. I’ll be picking tunes from my own collection as well as focusing on new talent and highlighting exciting events in the blues calendar. Bring it on!”

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