Broadway Bill Lee to appear at Imaging Days 2019

The Imaging Days conference is returning for 2019, with New York radio DJ and presenter Broadway Bill Lee lined up for a session.

The conference will be at a new location for its return after a two-year break, and introducing a new Jingle Network Ball feature for attendees to gain work contacts.

The Imaging Days will be on October 7th and 8th 2019 in Amsterdam and has also secured the services of Kiss 108 Imaging Director Jeff Berlin, Sven Of Dongen from SLAM!, Guido Sprenger from NPO Radio 2, and James Lawson from Hits Radio and The Radio Imaging Library.

The sound of Kiss London is created by independent producer Oli Pengilly, Idriss Rouchiche from FunX talks about urban radio imaging, and Nick Karkazis, Assistant Program Director and Imaging Director at Spin1038, will share his knowledge.

More information is online at

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Posted on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019 at 3:22 pm by Roy Martin

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