Lockdown documentary produced by Gateway 97.8

Gateway 97.8 has produced a special documentary to reflect on the past six months of Lockdown in its local area.

Station Editor Johnny Jenkins has created the show which includes interviews with local people and community groups recorded during the lockdown period.

It will air on Wednesday 26th August at 3pm.

The radio station has distributed free radios to residents who are over 70 and isolating, with 97.8FM saved as a pre-set.

Johnny Jenkins told RadioToday: “The past six months have been a difficult time for everybody. We’ve been on air every day since March with the latest Coronavirus News.

“This documentary will reflect on the difficult times the community has been through, and look ahead to the next six months.”

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Posted on Monday, August 24th, 2020 at 4:03 pm by Lee Price

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