Free radio drama available for HBA & CMA members

Jenny Wren Productions has created a drama and is making it available free of charge for hospital and community radio stations.

The production is based on the untold true story of two female codebreakers at Bletchley Park at the height of World War II.

Bletchley Girls is a stage play that was due to be performed in May and June 2020 at a number of Gloucestershire venues. The coronavirus pandemic put a stop to that for now, and so the creative team adapted the play for the radio.

The finished product was broadcast as part of the Gloucester History Festival last weekend.

The radio play will be distributed via the Community Media Association and the Hospital Broadcast Association and will also be available on Jenny Wren Productions’ YouTube channel.

The audio files are now available. Go to and complete the registration/licence form to be able to download them.

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