Hot Radio presenters host Drive In Movie events

Poole community radio station Hot Radio has been warming up the crowds at a Drive In Movie venue.

Presenters entertained people in their cars with music and interaction before the movies started, via a local FM transmitter which carried the video soundtrack.

One special evening event was an Ibiza classics night on the final day of the weekend long event. It was hosted by morning show presenter and DJ Mark Rush Palmer, who has lived and worked in Ibiza.

After the event Mark commented: “It was a real honour to host and DJ for such a unique event. In creating an interactive experience between the DJ and the vehicle occupants it was clear to see that the “new normal” is actually pretty cool if you present it in an engaging and different way. The whole Hot radio team deserve to be very proud of their achievements.”

Jo Jones, presenter and events manager for Hot Radio commented: “The events went so incredibly well and we were delighted by the turn out and the crowd reaction to the new normal at this inaugural outside event.

“We are working to bring a new kind of entertainment and events to our listeners and supporters whilst keeping everyone safe in line with current guidelines.”

Hot Radio has recently been granted a DAB licence to broadcast on the Dorset-wide Bournemouth multiplex.

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Posted on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 at 1:55 pm by Lee Price

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