Maajid Nawaz does a deal with social media platform GETTR

Former LBC radio presenter Maajid Nawaz has agreed on a partnership with American Free speech social media site GETTR.

On the platform he’ll produce exclusive videos, live-streams and other content “without the threat of censorship or cancellation”.

Maajid Nawaz said: “Everywhere we look, free speech is under sustained attack. And every political crisis is used to encroach upon it further. We stand at a crossroads. It is up to us to define the world we want for our loved ones in the future.

“Without the freedom to speak we lose the freedom to exchange ideas. Without the freedom to exchange ideas we lose the ability to think. Without the ability to think we follow into submission and lose liberty. The fightback is on. Join us.”

Nawaz is currently leading a campaign against audio giant Spotify, accusing them of refusing to release his upcoming interview with podcaster Joe Rogan on “The Joe Rogan Experience.

GETTR Chief Executive Officer Jason Miller says: “We are proud to be able to provide a platform where thought leaders like Maajid Nawaz can share their political analysis without the threat of being banned and silenced.

“The ability to question authority and disseminate ideas is the cornerstone of any thriving democracy and GETTR is proud to be at the forefront of that fight for free speech.”

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Posted on Thursday, February 10th, 2022 at 3:19 pm by RadioToday Staff

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