Police Constable dismissed for texting radio competitions

A West Mercia Police officer has lost his job after using his work mobile to enter radio competitions via a premium SMS service.

An accelerated misconduct hearing for PC Oliver Dines was held on Tuesday 8 March and resulted in the officer being dismissed without notice.

Between 1 June and 23 August 2021 there were numerous competition entries which cost West Mercia Police £255.46.

Chief Constable Mills said: “It would have been clear that every entry to the competition was at the taxpayer’s expense, totalling more than £255.46. Honesty and integrity is not negotiable for a police officer.

“Police officers are expected to act with honesty and integrity in everything they do, and this was clearly lacking in PC Dines’ behaviour.

“I am committed to taking whatever action is needed to make sure that West Mercia Police is a force that the public can trust and be proud of.”

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Posted on Friday, March 11th, 2022 at 11:03 am by RadioToday Staff

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