Texas vocalist Sharleen Spiteri said she loves listening to Angel Radio during a recent newspaper interview.
The singer, from Scotland, was asked during an interview with journalist Nicola Depuis at the Cork Echo in Ireland what makes her happy.
Sharleen replied: “I absolutely love listening to Angel Radio. The presenters are all pensioners, and I love it.”
Then she gleefully sings the jingle ‘Angel Radio … the home of pure nostalgia’, and adds “It’s like a real comfort.”
Angel Radio station manager Tony Smith told RadioToday: “I must admit I was surprised to learn that Sharleen is a fan of our little oasis of nostalgia, especially as we have never played any records by Texas, but there’s no reason why anybody of any age, famous or not, wouldn’t enjoy the cosy friendliness and great vintage music on Angel Radio.
“We already have plenty of younger well-known artistes who have Angel on their ‘favourites’ list. For instance, Kate Garner, daughter of Chas (Chas & Dave) is a dedicated fan who has guested on Angel Radio and has recently returned from performing on stage in the USA.
“Although our core audience is older people, at one time a few years ago, our youngest regular phone caller was Lyla, age 4, and at the same time our regular oldest phone caller was Ellen, aged 104.
“So really that 100-year age gap proves that age isn’t the defining reason for listening to Angel Radio.”
Angel Radio broadcasts on 98.6 FM to Portsmouth, Havant and the surrounding area.
It also broadcasts on DAB to North Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Dorset, Surrey, London, Brighton, Bristol, Birmingham, Cambridge, Norwich, Salisbury, Tynemouth and South Shields.
Posted on Wednesday, July 13th, 2022 at 6:03 pm by RadioToday Staff