15 podcasts that will give you a motivational boost

Motivation isn’t always an easy one to master. From habit-building to hiring a life coach, there are various ways to go about inspiring yourself to do better – and each will have varying degrees of success depending on your personality and dedication.

One no-brainer to help you is listening to podcasts.

Stuck in a rut and don’t know where to look for some inspiration or drive? Well, fortunately you’ve clicked on the right article, because we’re about to list some of the best podcasts to listen to so you get your mojo back!

We’re fortunate enough to live in an age where tips, tricks and life hacks are always at our disposal for whatever we want or need. Believe it or not, there are even podcasts for gamblers who like to increase their winning odds when playing at no-deposit casinos.

The Happiness Lab

How to succeed at being happy brought to you by a Yale psychology professor? Who managed to put on the most popular class ever at the uni? The Happiness Lab by Dr. Laurie Santos tops many people’s lists for motivational podcasts. It’s the science of being happy, so get stuck into it.

How to Fail With Elizabeth Day

The road to success is littered with failures, which aren’t really failures, are they? Rather, they are life lessons, are they not? How to Fail With Elizabeth Day has a guest every week ticking off their life ‘failures’ – who are often wildly successful people in their given field. Listen and learn.

Happier With Gretchen Rubin

Coming direct to you from best-selling author Gretchen Rubin, Happier provides practical advice that can help you in your day to day. Recent episodes have ticked off ‘More Good Advice From My Mother,’ ‘Reframing I Have to Do It to I Get to Do It,’ and ‘I Am Traffic, I Am Nature.’

Inner Monkey

Do you have an impulsive inner monkey who’s always disrupting your flow and being a menace? That’s the premise of this neat podcast, Inner Monkey. With Daniel Lam as your host, these short episodes (nine or so minutes) cover little spurts of motivational goodness where you have no time to get bored – or sidetracked.

The Life Coach School

Do you want to be a life coach? Or even just learn from the best of the best? The Life Coach School offers episodes like ‘How to Feel Better,’ ‘How to Have Better Relationships,’ and ‘How to Stop Procrastinating.’ While it’s not to everyone’s tastes, this podcast has some essential lessons that can help just about anyone.

Jocko Podcast

Jocko, the namesake of this podcast is a fearless fella – an ex-Navy SEAL, in fact. With his background, Jocko covers topics related to discipline and leadership, because not only are they applicable to the military, these lessons can translate to real life. Perfect if other motivational podcasts are a little fluffy for you.

Deep Questions by Cal Newport

Cal Newport is a smart dude. Often commenting on the intersection of tech and society, his Deep Questions podcast is a little broader to appeal to a bigger audience. Cal hosts episodes such as ‘The Art of Saying No,’ ‘Email and Living With Purpose,’ ‘Making a Living Online,’ plus plenty more.

Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher

The Goal Digger Podcast is about turning your life around and making your passion your work life. It’s about getting things done, being your own boss, and building the business of your dreams. If you’re serious about putting yourself first and fleeing the 9-5 drudgery then Jenna’s podcast is the one for you.

Personal Best

While Personal Best ended back in 2019, that’s no reason to overlook this motivational perk up not unlike a morning coffee. In fact, they’ve even recently brought out a few more revival eps. It’s full of quirky and funny little anecdotes that have led to success and happiness. Take a listen.

The Cut The Crap Show by Ryan Caligiuri

Want to know how to overcome the hard bits? It’s not always about reaching high heights, after all. Often in life, there is mental hardship to wade through – and that’s where this podcast comes in. Caligiuri’s guests include scientists, best-selling authors, and people who have overcome great struggles, all speaking on how to become more resilient while still acknowledging the bad bits.

Liz Gilbert’s Magic Lessons

Do you like MAGIC? Well, this show isn’t exactly about magic, although Liz may have a magician on it every so often. While it’s all the way back from 2016, if you’re a creative then you’ll really appreciate Liz’s words in Magic Lessons. Speaking with creatives about how to motivate and inspire themselves, listen to this and you’ll be fresh again in no time.

The Rich Roll Podcast

Rich Roll may sound like a silly name but the guy’s pretty smart. One of the world’s leading podcasters in the wellness and growth industry, Rich interviews top minds on topics like ‘How Social Media Rewired Our Brains (+ Our World),’ ‘On How Trauma Fuels Disease,’ ‘Longevity Secrets,’ and ‘Do Hard Things – The Science of Resilience.’

The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss is the guy who is famous for writing The 4-Hour Workweek – and he’s still going – he hasn’t actually managed to fit all his work into 4 hours a week if he’s recording great podcasts, is he? Regardless, The Tim Ferriss Show is a consistent chart-topper, and is a great listen if you want to get serious about business.

The Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn

Everyone wants to make a passive income – that’s making money without actually having to put in any effort. But you need to set things up first to be able to do this. This podcast, hosted by Pat Flynn, helps you do just that and more. Episodes include ‘Building Community,’ ‘What Good Marketers REALLY Are,’ and ‘How to Run a Business As A Couple.’

Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu

What does it take to make an impact? That’s what Tom Bilyeu explores in this business and mindset-focused podcast that examines some of the habits of the world’s top minds that help them stay sharp for success. Examine morning routines, diet, secrets of happiness, and more.

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