Oban FM investigated after being off-air for five months

Ofcom has resolved a complaint made against Oban FM after it found the community radio station was off-air for five months.

The service did not broadcast any programmes between April and August 2022 due to factors outside of its control.

Oban FM explained to Ofcom that it had trouble mostly related to the installation of a new internet line to new premises it was due to move to, and provided evidence of correspondence between the station and installers delaying the job.

Ofcom said: “Whilst we consider that this Licensee was in breach of Conditions 2(1) and 2(4) during the period in which it was unable to broadcast the Oban FM service, we are satisfied that the Licensee had allowed sufficient time for the work to be carried out to allow it to move studios without disruption to the service and the factors that led to the disruption to the service were out of its control.

“The Oban FM service is now back on air and the Licensee took steps to get the service on air prior to the internet being installed.

“Ofcom’s Decision is therefore that this matter is resolved. We will monitor the service to ensure that the Licensee is compliant with these conditions of its Licence.”

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Posted on Monday, October 24th, 2022 at 1:31 pm by RadioToday Staff

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