Tributes paid to former commercial radio CEO Eddie Startup

Former commercial radio executive Eddie Startup has died at the age of 77.

Eddie started his radio carrer at LBC, and spent many years around the sector at stations including Invicta Radio, Chiltern Radio, Galaxy 101 and GWR.

He then went on to establish Creative Training where he inspired a new generation of aspiring radio and TV executives across the UK and around the world.

During its 15 years, Eddie took Creative Training to Russia, Ukraine, South East Asia, Bosnia, Hungary and many more besides.

Friend and former colleague David Tighe paid this tribute: “Anyone who has worked alongside Eddie will remember his infectious enthusiasm and passion for radio, as a salesperson a manager and trainer.

“At the heart of everything Eddie did was his family. He rarely missed an opportunity to talk about his beautiful wife Roz, their children Stuart & Joanne, and more recently his grandsons Henry & Samuel.

“There are many media colleagues that were inspired, helped and mentored by Eddie and we know how much that meant to him.

“On a personal level, Eddie helped me out when I needed it most and I will never forget his trust, generosity and kindness. At a difficult time in my career, he stepped in and gave me his entire set of work presentations and international contacts and within weeks I was working in places like Azerbaijan and Georgia.

“Eddie was semi-retired at this point and all he wanted in return was to hear the positive stories of the difference we were making in the world – a truly selfless act which I will never forget. I can’t do this act of kindness the justice it deserves here but it was one that was typical of Eddie.

“We spoke every other week for the last 10 years and even when he was in hospital, he was still trying to help me with ideas and suggestions about promotions and sales. Eddie – I will miss you mate.”

Carolyn Iles, Business Manager at Global says: “It’s taken me a little while to think of what to say about Eddie, but since we say goodbye tomorrow, now’s the time.

“I first met him at GWR in Bristol in the late 80s, and he was just the best. His words “Greet Greet – Make it Happen” have guided me, and so many colleagues ever since. It was the best job ever, with such a great team of people listening to his stories about mincers, aeroplanes and a farmer called Jack Wooley.

“So much has happened to me – just because of Eddie.

“I got to be a sales manager of Galaxy 97.2 & Galaxy 101 – what an experience that was, & what a career opportunity. I got to go on all of the meetings he didn’t want to go to. I learned that there are Burger Kings everywhere, and that chips go perfectly with sandwiches.

“I visited and worked in parts of the world that I could only dream of. And learned first-hand that the KGB are still alive and kicking in Tajikistan…….….Thanks for that Eddie! But most of all, I met Eddie and his beautiful Roz, who will be a friend for life. I have also got to know his two strong fabulous children, Stuart and Joanne, who he never stopped talking about. Every meeting I attended with the Wee Glaswegian, with the great and the good were always diverted to Stu & Jo and stories of what they had been up to. Super proud dad.

“He always said he was like my second dad, which I didn’t always like, because I met him quite soon after I’d lost my Dad. But over time he became just that…and I’ll miss him so, so much.

“I promise, I’ll make it happen!”

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Posted on Wednesday, December 28th, 2022 at 3:15 pm by Roy Martin

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