Shaun Tilley returns to Liverpool for The Big Drive Home

Former Radio City Drive Time host Shaun Tilley is returning to Merseyside to front the same slot on Liverpool Live.

He’s joining the digital station from Monday 23rd January at 4pm.

Shaun will continue to present his regular programmes on BBC Radio’s Sussex and Surrey plus the My Radio 1 series on BBC Sounds.

But speaking of his latest show, Shaun said: “This has all come about so quickly really. Following a natter with my old pals Billy Butler and Roy Basnett during which I mentioned how much I respected what Liverpool Live was doing to bring back local radio to the city, I got a call out of the blue from the station boss Rod Keay asking if there was any way I’d consider driving Liverpool home again.

“I did that show for 6 years on Radio City during a golden period for the station so Liverpool will always hold a special place in my heart and I still have a lot of friends there. I’m so excited at the thought of getting back on the air in such a vibrant, unique, character filled city.”

Shaun Tilley’s Big Drive Home will start on Liverpool Live from Monday 23rd January between 4-7pm.

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Posted on Monday, January 16th, 2023 at 9:44 am by Roy Martin

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