How radio is holding on to music listeners

Music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music have revolutionised the way we listen to music.

You can create your own playlists, roll on the piano pieces as you’re racing to meet work deadlines, or fire up that punk-rock album as you’re playing slots online. You can listen to whatever you want, whenever you want.

So how can radio stations keep their music listeners tuned in? If they can’t replicate the level of personalisation offered by music streaming services, there must be something they are better at.

What are these strengths that radio stations can focus on to thrive in the age of music streaming? Let’s dive right into it.

Why Music Listeners Still Need Radio

According to a survey on people’s preferred content on radio in the UK, the top two spots along with other notable picks are music genres. It’s clear that the radio audience community is dominated by music listeners.

The reason could be because of some advantages to listening to music on radio. These can be classified as the strengths of radio. In order to fare well and adapt to the constant uproar of technology, these have to be the center around which radio music programs should be catered. 

Discovering New Music

Radio is great for introducing listeners to new music. RJs and hosts have a plethora of knowledge about different music genres and can play songs that you may have never heard before. This helps enrich your taste as well as give you the opportunity to find new music you love.

Also, radio can help up-and-coming artists get the promotion their music deserves, as they may not have the marketing power of renowned musicians. 


Radio stations can offer unique localised broadcasts. Stations can come up with specialised playlists by focusing on the taste and trends of their particular locality. They can provide listeners with a unique listening experience by mixing in that local touch, which can be particularly appealing to listeners who are interested in the taste of their community, as well as what’s happening in music from around the world.

Variety of Shows and Special Programs

Radio can offer a wide variety of music genres and formats. The carefully curated playlists of specific genres or moods cover a diverse range of musical tastes. Whether you prefer pop, rock, or country, there’s a radio station out there that matches your preferences.

Also, radio stations often hold special programs on holidays, live music sessions with artists and bands, themed shows, etc., providing a unique music listening experience.


Radio is one of the most convenient music listening options. It’s accessible to anyone with a radio receiver or an internet connection. Unlike music streaming services, radio is free of cost and doesn’t require a subscription to access. So, if your internet connectivity is weak, or you don’t have the resources to pay for streaming services, you’ll find radio convenient even if you only listen to music a few times a year.

The Bottom Line

There are still opportunities for radio stations to thrive in the age of music streaming. By embracing digital and mobile platforms, and focusing on their strong suits, radio stations can keep on providing value to music listeners in the coming days.

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