Duke of Edinburgh visits Leicester Community Radio

The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Edward, has visited the volunteers at Leicester Community Radio.

A presentation was given to the Duke showcasing the work undertaken by LCR in working with minority communities, and the benefits that the service brings, both on-air and off-air.

The Duke spent some time discussing with several volunteers the work that they do with the station, and watched whilst a number of vulnerable adults produced a short radio show, demonstrating the skills they had learnt in selecting and mixing music, and curating it into a programme.

Theresa Hutchinson, a director of LCR and qualified professional working with vulnerable adults says: “I get no greater pleasure than with working with adults and seeing them improve their lives.

“Radio and Music has been a fantastic tool to work with and I have seen it bring even the most reluctant people out of their shell such that they can feel confident attending events and standing up on stage with thousands of people watching. This to me gives the greatest satisfaction.”

Des Belle, another director of LCR and long-term local radio producer, says “For me it has been a very long path of over 30 years trying to get a radio platform that allows everyone locally to be on an equal footing. All I have ever wanted as a black man born and raised in Leicester is to be treated the same as everyone, not a second-class citizen.

“Leicester Community Radio has made more progress with equality locally than any other project I have seen.”

Dr Rob Watson, local community radio practitioner adds: “This has been a long journey for LCR, and it is not yet over. They have fallen through the cracks of Ofcom and their predecessors policies for over 40 years.

“To have someone as prestigious as the Duke of Edinburgh not only to take their time out to visit the station, but to be sufficiently impressed to spend additional time going above and beyond and wanting to learn more, such as programmes being made is a real vindication for this project after so many years of hardship.”

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Posted on Thursday, June 8th, 2023 at 8:21 am by Lee Price

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