BBC Radio Cornwall’s Tiffany Truscott to leave her show

After hosting the evening show on BBC Radio Cornwall for the last five years, Tiffany Truscott has told listeners this is her last week presenting it.

She explained that at the beginning of the year, all of the presenters at BBC Radio Cornwell had to reapply for their jobs because of the BBC’s plan to divert more money from local radio into digital content.

“I found out in April that I hadn’t been successful in interviews, and I was at risk of redundancy,” Tiffany said. “As you can imagine, it has been a pretty hard time and something hard to deal with, carrying on presenting this show which I love so much, knowing that it would end.”

She explained that she’d spent a lot of time feeling she had let a lot of people down, especially having to reveal the news to listeners.

Continuing, Tiffany said: “We’ve helped each other through some really big moments over the last few years.

“I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear I’m really going to miss you. We’ve become friends over the years and saying goodbye to friends is really tough.

“I want to thank you for welcoming me into your homes and your lives, it’s been such a privilege.”

Tiffany also revealed that she has been applying for other roles at the station and in August was offered a job as BBC Sounds producer. This means she will be working behind the scenes on online content.

She said it’s a relief that she doesn’t have to say goodbye to the station after working there for 26 years.

“In my work life, this year, it has really been the most challenging I’ve ever had to face,” she admitted, adding that there’s one more week together and she’s sure they’ll make the most of it.



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