Tributes paid to radio journalist, manager and commentator Martin Campbell

Radio journalist, manager and commentator Martin Campbell has sadly died.

Martin started his radio journey as a reporter at Pennine Radio in Bradford in the mid 70s, and went on to work in news and speech at Radio Trent, BRMB, GWR, Allied Radio and Talk Radio UK.

He spent three years as Head of News at the National Broadcasting School in London, and a further three years as Head of Journalism at Cornwall University.

Martin, a Radio Academy Fellow, is also well known for his time at The Radio Authority and Ofcom, where he was Chief Adviser (Radio) for 12 years.

In more recent years, he was Chairman of the Broadcast Journalism Training Council, Head of Compliance at Brand Conversation and Senior Programme Adviser
for BigFings MEDIA.

In a conversation with David Lloyd, Martin speaks about his love of radio and talks about his early work before radio, as a newspaper journalist for EMAP in the 60s.

Martin also contributed occasionally to RadioToday, with opinion pieces on changes in radio news, and appearing on the RadioToday podcast.

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