Academy FM receives King’s Award for Voluntary Services

Thanet’s Academy FM has been presented with the King’s Award for Voluntary Services by Lord-Lieutenant Lady Colgrain.

On November 14th 2023, King Charles signed the citation for the King’s Award for Voluntary Services, the highest award a voluntary organisation can receive and equivalent to an MBE.

The station was presented with the Award on 3rd April, two days before its 14th birthday.

Station manager Debbie Day said: “What a privilege it was to welcome the Lord-Lieutenant Lady Colgrain.

“The Lord-Lieutenant presented us with our crystal and certificate, what an honour it was to receive this. We all present our shows from our hearts, it’s our passion, but there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes and it was so wonderful to have this recognised by receiving this prestigious award.”

During her speech, Lady Colgrain shared her pride and happiness for the Academy Thanet team and noted their dedication to listeners, saying: “Your outreach to the listeners is truly exceptional and the close relationships you bring to many vulnerable and disadvantaged people is to be commended.

“You are the backbone of the community and are an utter inspiration. Academy FM receives the King’s Award for voluntary services for providing support to the community of Thanet.”

Photo: James Pringle

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