Applications for the Radio & Music Indie Development Fund and BBC Sounds Audio Lab are now open.
It’s the first time the Fund will see all BBC radio networks participating, offering applicants a new opportunity to work with Radio 1, Radio 2 and 6Music.
Along with speech, the music networks will outline their objectives to develop the BBC’s audio supply base and work collaboratively with successful recipients.
The objective of the Indie Development Fund is to support and champion indies which are based Across the UK, and whom share the BBC’s creative diversity ambitions. Once again, £250,000 will be available for independent audio production companies to apply for and successful applicants will receive funding of between £10-25k in addition to mentoring from BBC commissioners.
For the first time, successful indies will work with everyone across BBC Music or Speech, receiving support and insights from the entire audio division, not just one radio station. BBC Speech and BBC Music have outlined their objectives for the next year of the fund which can be found on the BBC’s website.
This year 13 independent production companies have received funding and mentorship, 11 of which were based outside of London and five had diverse leadership.
Kellie Windsor, Founder of Burgin from Bite Your Tongue, one of this year’s indies, says: “The Indie Development Fund leaves Bite transformed from the company that started the process. We are now within spitting distance of two BBC commissioners and one external one.”
Mohit Bakaya, BBC Director of Speech, says: ‘The Indie Development Fund is a brilliant way to support the vibrant indie sector. We hope that this year’s focus will help indies across the UK to grow and strengthen.’
Helen Thomas, Head of BBC Radio 2, says: “Radio 2 is delighted to be joining the Indie Development Fund to offer opportunities across all of the BBC’s music networks. Successful applicants will have the best of BBC Music behind them, helping to develop talent and support production right across the UK.”