Bauer to remove skip track feature for premium service users

The Skip Track feature available to subscribers of Rayo’s premium services is being discontinued by Bauer.

Skip is a service that’s only available on the Rayo Website and existing individual apps, and isn’t built in to the new Rayo App.

It allows users to skip a track on live radio, up to six times per hour.

In an email to subscribers this week, Bauer said: “We’re continually reviewing the premium experience to ensure it is the best it can be. Informed by ongoing technical challenges, we have made the decision to remove skip from the Premium service on 25th March.

“You’ll still have full access to all of your other Premium benefits, including ad-break free listening and exclusive stations.

“Our team of expert content creators are working on the launch of more brand-new, ad break free stations, shows, and playlists in the coming weeks.”

Global also has a similar feature to skip songs, with pre-recorded presenter links also played on some networks if a user decides to skip a track in Global Player.

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