Totally 80s With Gary King, the weekly 2-hour show produced and syndicated by Blue Revolution, has been recognised by the committee at the New York Festivals’ Radio Programming & Production Awards and is now a finalist in the prestigious ‘Best Regularly Scheduled Music Programme’ category.
Commenting on the news, the show’s host, Gary King said, “It’s great to be nominated for one of the radio industry’s most prestigious awards on an international level.” Blue Revolution’s Managing Director, Paul Hollins added, “We’ve always believed Totally 80s to be a world-class radio show and it’s fantastic to receive confirmation of that from the panel at the New York Festivals.”
The annual awards honour radio programmes and productions from around the globe at a lavish ceremony held at a venue on the world-famous Broadway overlooking New York’s Times Square. This year’s event will take place on October 12th 2006.
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