One million visits for Radio 1

BBC Radio 1 is reporting almost one million users per week on its website. The news comes as the corporation begins reporting weekly unique user agents, rather than monthly users. New stats show BBC Radio websites average 2.7 users in January 2007 alone.

Unique user calculations for the sites are based on a count of cookies — a small file which identifies the computer when a user visits a website. But cookies cannot be directly equated to numbers of people, as Chris Kimber, Managing Editor Audio & Music Interactive, explains:

"Cookies are often deleted and when this happens — and a new cookie is issued — the new cookie will be counted as a separate user. This is often referred to as 'cookie churn'. Its main effect is to over inflate the number of users over longer reporting periods, hence our move away from monthly unique user agents."

Total downloads of programmes in the BBC Download and Podcast Trial increased by 25% last month, resulting in a record 7.3 million successful downloads.

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