More jazz for BBC Radio 3

BBC Radio 3 has extended its deal with the London Jazz Festival for an extra four years. The station continues to be the principal media partner, as it has been since 2001. The new deal will run from 2008 to 2012 and will offer international radio coverage to the events.

Roger Wright, Controller, Radio 3, says: "I am delighted that we are able to extend the successful partnership between Radio 3 and the London Jazz Festival, one of the most important jazz festivals in the world. This new deal will ensure that live jazz will remain a key part of Radio 3's unique commitment to new music in the future."

Performances will be featured in Radio 3's specialist jazz output — Jazz On 3, Jazz Line-Up — and in Late Junction, World Routes, Performance On 3 and In Tune, as well as specially recorded Jazz Library and Jazz Record Requests programmes themed around the festival.

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